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Save Ancient Studies Alliance (SASA) announces free online 2024 Annual Virtual Conference!

David Danzig. | Published on 7/8/2024

Save Ancient Studies Alliance (SASA) is excited to announce our free online 2024 Annual Virtual Conference! We are inviting everyone interested in learning about the ancient past to join us online on Sunday, July 21st, and Monday, July 22nd, 2024.


This will be the 4th year we host this conference, “Opening the Ancient World”. Last summer, 17,771 people participated! The conferences aim to bring together everyone who loves ancient studies, the study of the deep past of all societies, including those at the fringes of the academic community, to learn about the global deep past, and foster discussion and action regarding public outreach and scholarly inclusiveness. To learn more about our past annual virtual conferences, please visit this page.


This year we are supported by a generous grant from the Wenner-Gren Foundation to feature live interpretations for Spanish and Arabic languages at our conference. You can RSVP for the conference depending on your preferred language in the links at the bottom of the emails!


This year’s theme is “Representations of the Past in Ancient and Modern Times.”  While the issues of reception and representation of the past in modern times have been hot topics in recent decades, this has been the case mainly in connection with Western colonialism and contemporary mass media representations. This narrow focus in thinking about representations of pasts misses the universality of this cultural exercise.


We are proud to also host three keynote speakers: with Dr. Martha Tepepa Covarrubias and Dr. Laura Castro Royo presenting on Monday, and Prof. Marian Feldman presenting on Tuesday, who will speak about their current research on different areas of the Ancient World. For more information about the keynote speakers and the conference schedule visit the conference web page.


This free public conference will be livestreamed on SASA website (Virtual Conference), SASA's YouTube, Facebook & Twitch, as well as on our partners’ platforms:

World History Encyclopedia's YouTube & Facebook

World of Antiquity's YouTube

Digital Hammurabi’s YouTube

History with Kayleigh’s YouTube

Per-Hay Studio's YouTube

New Classicist’s Facebook


We ask you to PLEASE SHARE this email and/or social media posts about the conference with your networks so that we can continue to raise awareness of our mission and make Ancient Studies as inclusive as possible. 


Social media posts for sharing:





Links to the conference info:

Conference page

Conference Schedule

Conference RSVP:





If you have any inquiries please contact!:  


Thank you greatly for all your help in promoting ancient studies with us!



David Danzig.


Ancient Near Eastern Historian, PhD

Research Affiliate | The Shanati Project | Institute for Study of the Ancient World, New York University

Executive Director | Save Ancient Studies Alliance


Phone:     1-610-937-0911






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