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HomeNew Editors for the Journal of Cuneiform Studies

New Editors for the Journal of Cuneiform Studies


The Baghdad Committee and the Committee on Publications of the American Society of Overseas Research wishes to announce that it has named new Editors for the Journal of Cuneiform Studies.


Paul Delnero (Johns Hopkins University) and Petra Goedegebuure and Seth Richardson (University of Chicago) will assume editorial duties for JCS beginning with volume 77 (2025) and for new submissions effective immediately.


The new Editors wish to let submitting authors know that a new submission portal and new contact information will be made available within a few weeks. In the interim, authors are welcome to contact the new Editors individually with any questions, except for matters concerning the 2024 issue, which will be edited by Piotr Michalowski.


Paul Delnero (

Petra Goedegebuure ( Seth Richardson (