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HomeAOS Essay Series

American Oriental Series Essays


To order below titles through no. 14, if still in print, visit ISD or call 1-860-584-6546. From no. 15 on, titles are open access.

1. Grammatical Method in Panini: His Treatment of Sanskrit Present Stems. By Betty Shefts Chang. 1961. Pp. x + 45. Paper.

2. Outline of KHMU Structure. By William A. Smalley. 1961. Pp. xix + 45. Paper.

3. A Catalogue of Arabic Manuscripts in the Oriental Institute of Chicago. By Miroslav Krek. 1961. Pp. ix + 46. Paper.

4. A Sketch of Trukese Grammar. By Isidore Dyen. 1964. Pp. x + 60. Paper.

5. History of Egypt, an Extract from Abu l-Mahasin Ibn Taghri Birdi’s Chronicle, Entitled Hawadith ad-Duhur fi Mada l-Ayyam wash-Shuhur (845-843 A.H.). Tr. William Popper. 1963. Pp. v + 60. Paper.

6. The Dhayl in Medieval Arabic Historiography. By Caesar E. Farah. 1967. 55 pp. Paper.

7. R. Gordon Wasson on Soma; and Daniel H. H. Ingalls’ Response. By R. Gordon Wasson. 1971. 23 pp.. Paper.

8. The Canaanite God Resep. By William J. Fulco, S.J. 1976. 71 pp., 1 plate. Paper.

9. The Ugaritic Hippiatric Texts: A Critical Edition. By C. Cohen and D. Sivan. 1983. 72 pp.. Paper.

10. Form and Meaning of Yasna 33. By Hanns-Peter Schmidt, with contributions by W. Lentz and S. Insler. 1985. 72 pp. Paper.

11. On Verbal Accentuation in the Rigveda. By Jared S. Klein. 1992. Pp. iv + 118. Paper.

12. The Sumerian Poem Enmerkar and En-Suhkes-Ana Epic, Play, Or?: Stage Craft at the Turn from the Third to the Second Millennium B.C. By Claus Wilcke. 2012. Pp. ix + 119. Paper.

13. Is There Continuity between Persian and Caspian? Linguistic Relationships in the South-Central Alborz. By Habib Borjian. 2013. 52 pp. Paper.

14. Asher and sh- in the Book of Ecclesiastes. By W. Randall Garr. 2017. 91 pp. Paper.

15. Rain-Giver, Bone-Breaker, Score-Settler: Allāh in Pre-Quranic Poetry. By Nicolai Sinai. 2019. Pp. ix + 79.
16. Written Middle Persian Literature under the Sasanids. By Kevin van Bladel. 2024. Pp. vii + 60.