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Date: 9/11/2022
Subject: American Oriental Society Annual Meeting Call for Papers
From: Jonathan Rodgers

American Oriental Society


Two Hundred and Thirty-Third Meeting


The 233rd Meeting of the AOS will be held Friday, March 10Monday, March 13, 2023, in Los Angeles, CA USA.


Hotel and Reservations: A block of conference-rate accommodations has been reserved at the Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza, 251 South Olive Street, Los Angeles, California, 90012 USA.


The conference rate per night for rooms is $232, Deluxe Guestrooms.


You must make reservations directly with the hotel well in advance of the meeting, no later than February 15, 2023. After the cutoff date, any uncommitted rooms in the block we have reserved will be released for general sale, and additional reservation requests will be accepted if rooms are available and without the conference discount. The conference rate also applies 2 days prior and 2 days after the conference, based upon availability.


Reservations may be made by phoning the hotel 1-800-THE-OMNI (general Omni number), or (213) 617-3300 (Direct). You need to identify yourself as a member of the AOS. It is also possible to reserve by visiting our customized Group Web Page.


The Society’s contract with the Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza for securing conference rates requires that a minimum number of rooms per night be reserved and occupied by members for the duration of the meeting. Thus, your stay at the Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza assures that the AOS will not be assessed extremely high fees for meeting and banquet space rental. We truly need your cooperation in this matter.


Directions, Parking, and Transportation:

Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza | Hotels in Los Angeles, CA (


All sessions will be held at the Omni Los Angeles Hotel at California Plaza. The Annual Subscription Banquet and Presidential Address will take place on Sunday evening, March 12, also at the hotel. The Program, which will be accessible online in late January 2023, will provide information on other special activities and events to take place during the meeting.


Payment of 2023 Membership Dues and Meeting Pre-Registration Fees


Online Dues and Meeting Pre-Registration Payment:


Pay 2023 dues online at: (Log-in to your account)

You will receive a 2023 membership renewal notice soon.

NOTE: You may renew your AOS membership now by viewing your Profile page and finding on the right side:

"Your Membership is not yet due for renewal. If you want to renew early, click here"


Pre-register at: American Oriental Society Annual Meeting - 3/11/2023


Submission of Abstracts


Members of the Society are hereby invited to Submit Abstracts of Communications to be presented at the 233rd Meeting. (You will need to be logged-in to upload your abstract.) Alternatively, you may submit abstracts by email attachment. Use "AOS Abstracts" in the subject line. Abstracts must be in Microsoft Word format or .pdf produced from MS Word. Please name your abstract according to following convention: YourLastNameYourFirstInitial.docx, e.g., RodgersJ.docx. You must include the abstract title and your name and academic affiliation in the abstract.


Abstracts of no more than 300 words should cover the following points: (a) the precise topic treated, (b) your exact contribution to the problem, (c) its relationship to previous scholarship on the topic, (d) specific conclusions. Please also keep in mind that abstracts of papers accepted for presentation will appear in the published Abstracts in the way in which they have been submitted. It is impossible for this Office to edit them. Please transliterate non-Latin writing systems. Text submitted in non-Latin writing will be not appear in the printed abstracts.


Please note that the Program Committee will not accept papers for inclusion on the Program submitted by members who have not paid 2023 membership dues and pre-registration fees in full or who neglect to submit abstracts by the October 15, 2022, deadline.


Members who submit abstracts of papers will be notified of their inclusion on the Program soon after January 15, 2022.


Sectional Committee Chairs, whose names are listed at AOS Officers or on the verso of the title page of the Journal, should be contacted directly only in the matter of organizing special panels.


Papers from non-members, except for those of visiting scholars invited to participate in special panels, cannot be considered because of the expense the Society bears in running the Annual Meeting. When inviting colleagues and students who are not AOS members to participate in the program, please inform them that they should apply for membership and pre-register at the time they submit abstracts.


Please respond to the Call for Papers only if you plan to attend the Meeting. Failure to present a paper that has been accepted on the Program creates a very poor impression of the Society and is particularly discourteous to those members who may have travelled great distances just to hear certain communications.


We thank you for your anticipated participation and cooperation.


Important: Finally, the AOS Election: You are hereby encouraged to submit the names of AOS members whom you consider potential candidates for consideration by the Nominating Committee. You may use the online form on the mail AOS webpage ( to submit recommendations. Please be certain that the potential candidate is a member of the Society by confirming in the directory at: AOSMembershipDirectoryAug2022.pdf


Please consider making a Donation to the AOS as you submit payment for 2023 Membership Dues or Annual Meeting Registration.



Jonathan Rodgers

Secretary-Treasurer, American Oriental Society Graduate Library, University of Michigan

913 S. University Ave.

Ann Arbor MI 48109-1190 USA


Mobile: 734-347-1259

AOS Home Page:

Campus Office: Middle East Studies, 4048 Thayer Bldg, 202 S. Thayer, Ann Arbor MI 48104-5410